October 11, 2014
In attendance: Robert Miller, Alana Duncan, Mike & Jules Berry, Jeff Smith, Regina Jackowiak, Dave Rose, Carla Vega
The meeting started at 9:15am at the Bicentennial Park snack bar.
· Rob still needs to review volunteers with Mandy to make sure all volunteers are registered.
· Pink Referee jerseys were purchased and distributed.
· We held a Referee meeting on October 1st with 9 people in attendance.
· Rob will send out an additional email to all Coaches to remind them they are responsible for the behavior of their staff, players and spectators.
· Jules reported the following regarding locations for the Appreciation parties
o Pizza Factory is still supposed to get back to Jules.
o Best Western Town & Country has a room for 45 people that we can rent for $50/2 hour period. We can bring our own food in.
o Aquatic Center has up to three rooms we can use for $15/2 hour period. We can again bring in our own food.
· First Aid Kit fundraiser flyer is ready but was tabled until next our season.
· Spring Season
o The season survey was put together and sent to all registered players. Jeff hasn’t received a lot of responses but will forward to Rob. Rob will advise what the survey responses are.
o We need to decide this coming week if we are going to offer a Spring season.
· Participation Awards should be arriving on Tuesday, October 14th.
Area Meeting
· One of the area’s in our section has dissolved making our Area, 9B, even larger. We now have all of Colorado.
· There are a few open Area Board positions open: Area Coach Administrator and Area Referee Administrator. If you are interested in either of these positions, let Rob know...however that doesn’t relieve you from any Regional obligations. He has nominated one person for ARA.
· An Intermediate Referee Course is being offered at the Cedar City Library on November 8th. We are hosting this Area course and it will be an all-day class. Pre-requisite is you must have already completed and been an active Basic Referee. This is open to anyone who is interested.
· Area Director Kris Graff was helping at the AD Training in California and spoke with our President Mark Stewart. Mark mentioned we (all Regions) need to stop concentrating on the number of players in our programs and concentrate on the quality of the program each of us provides. This means we need to focus on:
o Our core program of U6, U8, U10 and U12
o Build our VIP program
o Continue our U5 program
· We also found out that numbers across the country are down. We are at 50% and so is St. George. St. George is only able to run Co-Ed programs this season.
· St. George and Cedar City will each host one interplay game each in October/November for the Co-Ed U14/U16/U19 age groups
· AYSO has been named in a class action lawsuit regarding concussions. If you are contacted by anyone regarding this lawsuit, or any lawsuits, forward the information to Rob and he will put them in contact with the appropriate person.
o All local records need to be gathered from 2002 forward.
Need to formulate a plan to get VIP started in Cedar City.
· MaryLynn will be stepping away from being the coordinator of Parowan. Rob will be planning a meeting with the Parowan parents to find out if they would like to continue having a program based in Parowan. If so, we need a lot more volunteers to run the program as it cannot be run successfully from Cedar City.
Rob to decide on a meeting date in November and send out an email to the Parowan families.
Goals, Fields and Storage
· The traveling teams are constantly using our fields during the evenings, causing our practices and/or games to be delayed and/or hindered as they do not want to leave the fields.
· These other leagues are also un-staking and moving our goals around.
· U8 goals did not get moved prior to mowing causing the nets to get chewed up. The City will be replacing them.
· Cedar Middle School still has at least three of our goals on their fields.
· We have Bicentennial Park through the end of October. The U12+ fields need to remain up for interplay with St. George, but the other goals can be removed at seasons end.
· It would be easier to have additional storage either at the park or off site to store the goals during our off season. Otherwise we have major condensing and cleaning of the current shed to make space for the goals. This does cause access issues.
Dave will contact SUSA to remind them they should not be using Bicentennial Park during our permitted times.
Anyone know contacts of other programs to contact? Please get the information to Rob.
Purchase signs to hang on the nets that say Reserved for AYSO.
Consider buying augers to stake and chain down the goals.
Rob to set a take-down date which we will need volunteers for.
§ Jules will confirm we have enough money in the budget to pay for additional storage.
§ Jules will also check on off-site storage.
§ Dave will check with container storage to be dropped at the park. He might be able to get us a deal if we allow the company to advertise on the container.
Next Meeting has not been set. Watch your emails.
Meeting was adjourned at 9:51am.
Respectfully submitted,
Regina Jackowiak