Website Manager


January 24, 2015
In attendance: Robert Miller, Jon Karpel, Alana Duncan, Julie & Mike Berry, Dave Rose, Regina Jackowiak
The meeting started at 11:45am at the Cedar City Library.

·         AYSO will be adding an additional logo to the player jerseys starting this fall.
·         Rob will be looking for all of us to join him in dedicating more time at the soccer fields this fall.  This includes finding a field crew to help line fields, setting up and taking down fields, etc.
·         We have applied for the Hugo Bustamante Playership Grant in the amount of $1,000.  This helps support our players with financial needs.

The Regional Commissioner position is typically a three year position.  Rob is starting year two of a three year assignment.  The other six board positions are elected annually, while staff positions are assigned seasonally.

At this meeting we elected three positions unanimously:
     Treasurer – Julie Berry
     Registrar – Alana Duncan
     Referee Administrator – Regina Jackowiak

Staff positions are assigned on a season basis. Some of the positions are:
·         Field Supervisor – Dave Rose will continue in this position.
·         Game Scheduler – Jon Karpel will continue in this position.
·         Webmaster – Jeff Smith will continue in this position.
·         Coach Instructor – Matt Carling will continue in this position.
·         Regional Auditor – We have two people interested, Jon Karpel and Rob Cox.
·         Uniform Coordinator – Rob needs to check with Laura to see if she is still interested.  If not a few other people have mentioned they would be interested in this position.
·         Snack Shack – We might be going a different direction with the snack bar.  TBA
·         Division Coordinators – some are continuing but we will need more.
·         Sponsorship Coordinator – needed

ACTION ITEM: Rob to discuss the following positions with current board members to confirm their desire to continue or not.  These positions will need to be elected:
Child & Volunteer Protection Advocate – Mandy ElHalta
            Coach Administrator – Carla Vega
            Safety Director – Mindi Cox

The EXPO will be held in Salt Lake City on March  6th & 7th.  The Region has paid the registration fees for Rob Miller, Mike & Julie Berry, Regina Jackowiak and Matt Carling.

Other covered expenses will be their hotel room and gas once receipts are turned in.  Everyone is on their own for food except for those that are included in the registration fee and if a group meal is decided upon.

ACTION ITEM: Anyone still interested in attending needs to advise Rob asap.

Rob completed the budget and reviewed with those in attendance.  The budget is based on a season of 600 players.  The fees will be $60/player for early registration, registrations completed by May 31st, and $85/player for regular registrations.  The only exceptions to paying the regular fee after this date would be for players that have just moved to the area.  Jules signed as presented and Rob will submit to Area and National.

This past season we purchased First Aid kits as fundraisers but did not do anything with them.  This year we will be selling them.  Suggestions were to sell them at the snack bar and/or at registrations.

ACTION ITEM: Decide when and where to sell the First Aid Kits.

The following people were unanimously approved to be on the bank signatory card:
            Robert Miller, Regional Commissioner
            Julie Berry, Regional Treasurer
            Kris Graff, Area Director
            Alana Duncan, Regional Registrar
            Regina Jackowiak, Regional Secretary

The following person needs to be removed from the bank signatory card:
            Patricia England, former RC

ACTION ITEM: Complete new signatory card.

RAP (Regional Annual Performance Application)
Rob completed this form and was pleased to announce we are once again applying for the Silver Award.  Places we are losing points are in volunteer registrations and trainings…coaches and board members.

Our goal this year is to grow by 10%.  This should put us around 600 players.

We need to determine if holding games in Parowan is still viable.  This past season, there were limited volunteers maintaining the fields and refereeing.  In order to keep teams playing games in Parowan more volunteers are needed.

U5 – Depending on what happens with Parowan, Regina might change this group back to Saturday’s instead of Friday nights.

VIP – Very Important Player Program – We need to work together to get this program started.  This group of players plays at the same time each week and we will want to make sure no one else is playing at this time to ensure there are Buddies available.

We would like to have the uniforms ordered by June 1.

Teams may begin practices as soon as their coaches have completed their trainings.

·         Coach trainings are currently scheduled for July 18th & August 1st.
·         Referee trainings are not scheduled yet.
·         Volunteers holding Board and Staff positions need to complete the RC & Board Orientation meeting.  The date will be scheduled in April.
·         Safe Haven and Concussion Awareness trainings need to be completed online by everyone. 

·         School begins on August 20th and we will start games on August 15th.
·         Schedules
     o   Start times need to be adjusted to allow Referees to change fields, etc.
     o   May need to push games to an earlier time on weeknights and might be going longer on Saturdays.
     o   No upper level games at the same time as VIP to accommodate the need for Buddies.
·         Playoffs – If we have enough Referees to pull it off for U10 & U12 divisions

     Rob & Regina to set a meeting date in Parowan.
     Regina with help of others to formulate a plan to get the VIP program started.
     Regina to set Referee training dates.
     Regina to set training date for Board & Staff.
     Rob to set additional dates for fall planning

Registration dates:
·         Cedar City
     o   April 11th – location TBD
     o   May 2nd – location TBD
     o   May 30th – location TBD
·         Parowan – date TBD

Computers, printers and internet access will be needed at the facilities to complete registrations as all forms must be completed online.  Everyone should plan on attending as this is a regional responsibility.  The more help we have the quicker the process and the better the experience our players and families have.  

Rob and Regina will be concentrating on the recruitment of coaches, referees and U8 officials at registrations.

     Jules to open up My2015.
     All board and staff members to register in My2015.

     Rob to check the availability of the Aquatic Center.
     Alana to check the availability of the Middle Schools.

     Regina to check with Info West about donating wireless access for all registrations and/or check on Hot Spot services.
     Rob to find printer(s) for use at registrations.  Dave mentioned there used to be a region owned printer in the shed.

     Not mentioned but may need to be addressed…the need for as many computers as possible.
     Rob discussed advertising during the Budget portion of the meeting.  He will be placing multiple ads to try and increase/retain players and volunteers.

     Alana and Jules will post the registration signs.
     Regina to create a poster advertising Playoffs needing Referees!

     Determine if we will be selling First Aid Kits at registrations, and put a plan in place.

Storage –
We need to come up with a better solution to store the nets.  Regina suggested rolling garbage cans with the cans marked by size or crates to store the nets in if we had shelves.  Rob mentioned he would like to see shelving units installed in the sheds to help organize. 

Players – Region 873 has adopted the every child plays 3/4 of the game before any child plays the entire game policy.  We do not currently have a way to verify all players are playing the correct amount of time.

·         Regina wants to implement the use of game cards/lineup cards.  This would help the referees keep track of the players and help maintain control of the game and the region by ensuring all players are registered (if printed by the region for the teams) and ensuring all players are playing the correct amount of time.  Rob wants to see 80% of all games covered if we implement the use of game cards.  With the amount of referees we have now…Regina can’t guarantee that.
·         Regina would like to stop issuing end of season gift cards and instead start an alternate incentive program that is all season long.
·         Regina would also like to start having meetings with the Referees monthly for continuing education purposes, Q&A, team building, and comradery.  This would include food and possibly the incentives talked about above.

Website – Needs to be updated.

Goals – Dave mentioned some of the goals have been broken but could be fixed by a welder.

Snack Bar – To keep the snack bar running, we need more volunteers to work it.  Food handler permits may be completed online.  Rob also suggested having heavier game times when people want food or snacks to increase the revenue.

     Rob, Jules and Dave to continue working on additional storage and issues.

     Regina to work on a Referee budget and an incentive program for the Referees.
     Jeff to update the website with current information.

     Rob to check with Jeff if he needs assistants for the website.
     Dave will work on finding a welder.

     Rob to decide what direction we want to take with the snack bar.

Meeting adjourned around 1:50pm.
Next Meeting will be March 14th at the Cedar City Library.

Respectfully submitted this 29th day of January, 2015,
Regina Jackowiak
Regional Secretary, 9/B/873

Contact Us

Iron County AYSO Region 873

attn: Regional Commissioner, PO Box 311
Cedar City, Utah 84721

Email Us: [email protected]