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Board Meeting Minutes

Region 873 Minutes
February 10, 2016

In attendance: Robert Miller, Jules Berry, Regina Jackowiak, Laura Stevenson, Alana Duncan, Mike Berry and visitor Russ Juillerat from World’s Finest Chocolates

The meeting started at 7:15 pm at the Cedar City Library.

We did not review our previous minutes or action items.

Regina mailed a thank you note to 1/S/1258 to thank them for their kind donation of $1,500; and hand delivered a thank you note to Jimmy John’s.

Rob announced the resignation of Ian McMannus as Executive Director and that Mike Hoyer is now acting ED.

World’s Finest Chocolate
Russ from WFC made a presentation regarding fundraising.  The most commonly sold chocolate is the $1 box, though there are also boxes of candy bars that sell for $2 each.  The $1 boxes are made up of 12 each types of chocolate but a lot of clients change their mixes to increase caramel and almond from 12 – 18 each; and reduce dark and crisp from 12 – 6 each.  We can also customize our boxes with our own logo by sending a jpeg image to WFC and they will add the photo to the box at no extra charge.  The market would not be saturated as they only allow one group to sell at a time.

Russ suggested advertising the fundraising on social media, web page and ask parents to help sell at work.  He also suggested having all sellers sign a permission slip prior to receiving any chocolate.

In order for us to sell these, we will have to apply for credit and supply references.  If we want specialized boxes with our logo and changing the counts we need to give them 28 days to prepare.  Delivery would be to one location.  Invoicing would be 1 ½ weeks after delivery with payment due within 30 days of receipt of invoice.  If entire order is sold they offer a bonus; but they will take back unopened boxes.  Sales typically run 1 ½ - 2 weeks.  If we need to re-order we could get them in 3-4 days but only stock boxes.  We might want to have a few boxes to sell at registrations.  Russ would get us a deal on those so we don’t have to pay high shipping.  They have posters we could use as well.

Order over 50 cases and the shipping fee is $30.00.

Order fewer than 50 cases and the shipping fee is $60.00.

We make 50% off each candy bar sold.

For every 200 cases purchased receive 30 free cases plus 5 free 1 pound candy bars, 1 free 5 pound candy bars which can be used as prizes.  These cases can be used to purchase prizes for top sellers.  Prize suggestions were: earn certain items by the amount of cases sold; top team per division gets a team party; participation awards; maybe rent the aquatic center for $425 - $475 and let those with a minimal sales amount attend, top sellers only or all sellers.

There are discounts printed on the back of each candy bar.

Ideas tossed around were: to find out if we could mandate everyone to sell a box or donate $30; get permission from the bowling alley to sell candy there.

o   At next board meeting we will vote on whether or not to hold this fundraiser.  If we want to do this we would want to place an order so we have them prior to school starting.

– We learned about Blue Sombrero at the Expo.  Rob would like to have this implemented as soon as possible. 

o   Kristen and Regina will work on this together.


The following was proposed and unanimously approved:

            Early registration $70/player (increase of $5) by May 31st, this is for mainstream, Playground and U5;

            Regular registration $100/player for all but VIP;

            VIP registration $30/player/season…if we run dual seasons the fee would be charged for each season.  

o   Determine if we want to buy balls and from whom
     §  Rob checking with the company at Expo;
     §  Regina to check with Terri about pricing, logos, and minimums


There are about 7500 students in the school system.

Registration will be open online as of April 1, using the following dates:

April 9, Cedar City from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm;

April 30, in Parowan from 10:00 am – 1:00 pm; and

May 5, in Cedar City from 6:30 – 8:30 pm

Rob would like to use local business to hold our registrations to promote both.
Rob, Regina and Laura will greet people and try to recruit them for volunteering positions.

Suggestions for registration were: Coaches and/or Referees bring proof of completion of Safe Haven, Concussion Awarenes and job specific online training to registration and receive a prize like a clip board; Kids Corner; and/or an Express Lane.

o   Alana
     §  Contact Cherry Creek Radio about PSAs;
     §  Contact banks about their scrolling marquees
o   Jules
     §  Find out how much a half page color ad will cost in Iron County Today;
     §  Place ad first week of March;
     §  Use new website information on ad;
     §  Check with Pizza Factory for registration locations
o   Rob to create a flyer, “I’ve Registered Now What?”
o   Laura
     §  Create a flyer, “I’ve Volunteered to Coach Now What?”;
     §  Check with Brick House and Sizzler for registration locations
o   Regina
     §  Create a flyer, “I’ve Volunteered to Referee Now What?”;
     §  Check with Jimmy John’s for registration locations

Playground and Schoolyard

Alana is going to run the playground program.  Schoolyard (formerly U5) might just roll into playground.  Specifics need to be ironed out.  There is a cost to get the playground equipment.  Plan is to use t-shirts for playground participants instead of uniforms.  Alana will get specific information about U5 from Regina.

Jules reported that we currently have $2,770 in the bank with $265 in change.  Michael is planning on donating $200.  Regina turned in the Expo receipts which will decrease the amount in the bank.

Jules also mentioned she needs a new regional scanner.

Coach Clinics
Laura to set two dates at the end of July first of August for coaching clinics. 

o   Laura to coordinate dates with Matt and Rob



Regina took the sponsorship course at Expo and learned some valuable information.  If we are interested in getting sponsors, National will help figure out packages and put together a flyer.  An example would be a donation of $5,000 would get a logo on the sleeve of each player jersey (about 700 players) plus advertising on our website.

We might be able to get in-kind donations from Star Signs, Image Pro and maybe an advertising sponsorship from Bradshaw Motors.


o   Regina
     §  Create sponsorship package
§  Contact Bradshaw Motors
o   Alana to talk with Image Pro about possible sponsorship
o   Jules to talk with Star Signs about possible sponsorship

Next board meeting to be in the next 2-3 weeks.
Meeting concluded at 9:05 pm.

 Respectfully submitted,
Regina Jackowiak

Contact Us

Iron County AYSO Region 873

attn: Regional Commissioner, PO Box 311
Cedar City, Utah 84721

Email Us: [email protected]